Sunday, February 1, 2015

Liebster Award?!

What the heck is this, you ask?  I wondered the same thing myself when my friend and fellow blogger Gina [from Life of a Fashion Student -- check out her awesome fashion blog!!] nominated me for the award!  She explained to me that the Liebster Award is a self-regulated blogger award given from former nominees and passed forward to other bloggers, to help promote and support up-and-coming bloggers.  I LOVE this idea!  Once you're nominated, you answer the tag questions that your nominator answered on his/her blog and nominate new bloggers.

I'm so appreciative that I was nominated!  So here we go:

1. How did you come up with your name?

I've either been blessed or cursed with a unique name.  Now, most people are very familiar with the word "June" because, well, it's the sixth month of every year.  However, you'd be amazed at how many people get my name wrong.  Jew? Joon? Jeun?   No, people.  It's literally a word in the English language dictionary.  Being that my name is unique, and I'm just a weird person in general, combining my name with my favorite (fictional?) animal was a no-brainer combo.  And thus, the junicorn was born.

Although my blog is mainly beauty with a good amount of fashion, I do write about a ton of different things!  Food, homewares, DIYs.. I blog about anything in my life that I find interesting.  So the "Life of a Juicorn" just made sense.

2. Why did you start your blog?

This might sound conceited or braggish, but I swear it's not -- but I started this all because I got so many questions about my makeup, fashion, life, you name it.  I figured a great way to get a bunch of info out there (to anyone who cares/is interested) was to blog about it!  And since I began, it has become very cathartic for me, especially while in law school.  I get to take a break from the "real world" for a few hours at a time, and get to write about things I love.

3. What do you love most about blogging?

Aside from what I just mentioned, I really enjoy spreading any knowledge I might possess to others!  I'm not saying it's a lot, it's good, or it's even correct.. but I like knowing I could be helping out anyone out there who actually reads my blog.

4. What do you value the most in life?

Time.  I constantly find myself complaining about either having too much free time, or not nearly enough.  But sometimes I'm reminded of how truly lucky I am to even have the time that I do.  If I have enough time to complain about anything at all, I'm lucky as hell.  There are so many people in this world whose lives are cut short far too soon, or who have no time other than trying to survive.  Rolling my eyes about how much reading I have to do for school, or having a few hours to kill in between classes with nothing to do.. it means I'm lucky, and I can't take that for granted.

5. One goal you wish to accomplish this year?

It probably sounds dorky, but I'd really like to make it back on the Dean's List at some point this year.

6. What is your favorite social media site?

Instagram, hands down.  It's perfect.

7. If you could travel to only one place this year where would it be and why?

I'd love to make it out to Paris again this year.  In fact, I've already been looking at flights..

8. How would you describe your personal style?

Oh, god. Uhh. Hm. Well, lazy?  Eclectic?  Androgynous?  Hobo-chic?  Boring?  I seriously have no idea.  I pretty much have two types of go-to outfits:  summer, and winter.  My summer apparel consists of cut-off jean shorts and a tank/tee, and my winter attire is simply black leggings with an oversized sweater/button-down.  I tend to wear heels on a daily basis (unless it's snowing), which I find tends to dress up any super (and I repeat: SUPER) casual outfit I may be wearing.  

I, of course, am a minimalist-accessory freak.  I can't go a day without thin, dainty gold jewelry.  It doesn't make me "girly" -- because, let's be honest.. it's laughable to call me girly.  But I just like the super sleek look and overall classic-ness it has.  And then, there are my 14 permanent accessories etched into my skin..

Idk.  I'm a mess.

9. Spring or Fall Fashion?

FALL.  Fall 5eva.

It's seriously my favorite season.  It could be fall forever and ever and I'd be 100% happy.  Flannel and scarves and boots and leggings FOREVER.

10. If you could choose one store to shop at, your entire life, which store would it be?

ASOS.  It literally has everything I'd ever want.  Except for my go-to thrift stores.  It's a toss up between ASOS and Goodwill/Savers.  I wish I was kidding.

11. Are you a planner? or are you spontaneous?

LOL.  I'm sort of a "fly by the seat of my pants" kind of person.  I'm trying to get better at planning and organizing my life, but guys, it's a real challenge.  I'm sort of known for my weird spontaneity.  And I do have the word "serendipity." tattooed on my collarbone.  The world works in mysterious ways!  I like to go with the flow and roll with the punches. 


Emma Balek - EJB Health & Wellness

Meredith Wish - ThoughtfulWish

Katie Venezia - Katie Vee Photography

Torie Solomon - Victoria Elizabeth Designs (+here)


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