Tuesday, April 21, 2015

DIY: Personalized Jewelry/Catch-all Dish!

Guys.  I love crafting.  Sometimes I just get in a mood and all I want to do is make things.  I know, that sounds strange.  Anyway I got really inspired by a DIY jewelry dish I saw a while back, and wanted to make a version for myself.

Everyone has those little knick-knacks that you love but just don't really know what to do with/where to put them.  Obviously in the photos below I showed an example of how this cute little dish can be used to store jewelry, but I'm actually currently using it to house tiny things like thumb tacks, paper clips, screws, and rubber bands.  The possibilities are endless!  Well.. that's definitely not true, but you get what I'm trying to say.

This DIY actually took a tad bit more effort (if you want to call it that) than some of my other ones, but it's pretty simple nonetheless.  Read on for more!



I knew I was going to paint my letters gold before I got started, so I picked up some gold-colored polymer clay.  Even though the paint would inevitably cover the clay, it's easier to start off with a base color similar to your paint color to avoid obvious streaking (or prevent the need to paint double coats).

Whatever kind of clay you end up buying, make sure it is bake-hard clay (clay that, once heated up in the oven, will dry to a rock solid state).  It should cost you less than $2, FYI.  Mine was only $1.50!


Break off a decent sized chunk of clay, and knead it between your fingers and palms until it is soft and malleable.  This might take a while, but it's necessary.

Once it's soft, use any sort of round tool and roll it out flat (til it's about 1/4" thick).


With any sharp utensil -- they do actually sell tools specifically to do this, which, unless you already own one, I highly recommend foregoing -- carve out the letter you want.  I used the end of a wooden toothpick, so get creative.  Make sure the letter is big enough to handle once it's cut out, and make sure the block lettering isn't so thin that it breaks.


Actually cut out the letter, using an exacto knife.  Be very careful with this step, to avoid cutting into the surface you are working on.  Also be sure to try to stay as true to the edges of your letter as possible.  Take your time!  This step takes a lot of patience and hand-work.


Smooth out any rough edges in the clay using the heat of your hands/fingers.  Try not to ruin or distort the shape of the letter when doing this!


Finish cutting out all the letters you want, and make sure they fit into the dish.  Get creative with what you want your dish to say!  I chose my name as a generic choice, but you could do any of your favorite words.  (My next choice was to do "Dream", for example.)  You can get fancy with the lettering, or keep it simple like I did.  It's up to you!


Preheat your oven to whatever setting is on the package of your clay, and stick all your letters into an oven-safe baking dish.  Then bake them for the appropriate amount of time.

My directions said to bake 15 minutes for each 1/4" of an inch thickness.  But I kept mine in for about 30 minutes just to make sure they were done.  They might feel springy when you go to check them -- but trust me, the letters won't get 100% solid until they're finished cooling down!


Paint your dish!  I chose to roughly paint the edge of the dish with gold paint, and create a splatter of little dots cascading down one of the sides.  This part is also totally up to you!  Painting polka dots, chevron, or any other pattern would work.  


Paint your clay letters once they're dried.  I used the same gold paint for my dish and my letters, but, again, this is totally up to you and your creativity!


Glue the letters to the bottom of the dish with some heavy-duty super glue (just to make sure they won't fall off when you load your dish up with goodies..).  You might need to physically hold them upright and in place for a few seconds while they dry to avoid having them fall over and get stuck everywhere.  And make sure not to put anything in it overnight until the paint is dry and the glue has set!


This is a super cute personalized gift to make for any birthday/special occasion, or to simply make a one-of-a-kind catchall dish for yourself, like I did.  Get creative with the words and designs!  Make one to match your bedroom, paint one your favorite color, or create one for friends/family.  Everyone needs a good catchall dish, so why not personalize it and make it special?  

[BTW, my dish is actually a small baking ramekin, which only cost me $2 from World Market.  So I made this entire DIY for only $4!]

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